Dogs love bones, and that’s a fact. Luckily, dogs can consume most bones, but knowing which are safe to give to your pooch can get confusing. A tasty option is lamb, but are dogs allowed lamb bones, and do they pose any risk? Continue reading to find out whether lamb bones for dogs can be safely consumed.


Should Bones be Cooked or Raw for Dogs?

All bones given to dogs must be raw, including lamb. You should never feed your dog cooked bones, as they can splinter into small, sharp pieces, causing serious potential damage. Once a bone is cooked, it loses most of its nutritional value, offering few benefits to your dog.

However, your dog's ancestors would have primarily survived on raw bones and protein. This proves raw bones to be a nutritious, safe, and tasty snack.


Which Lamb Bones Are Safe for Dogs?

Generally, the safest types of lamb bones to give to your dog include shin, ribs, and tail - all of which must be fed raw. Other types of lamb bones, such as lamb chops or knucklebones, pose the most risk of blocking a dog's digestive system, damaging their teeth, and possibly getting lodged in their throat.


Benefits of Raw Lamb Bones

There are many key benefits to feeding your furry friend raw bones - especially lamb!

  • Cleaner teeth
  • Improved mental stimulation
  • Nutrient-rich
  • Improved joint health
  • Firmer stools
  • Cleaner digestive tract
  • Healthier skin and fur
  • Releases endorphins from chewing
  • Natural exercise for your dog's jaw
  • Full of essential vitamins and minerals

One of a dog's primal instincts is to chew. By providing healthy raw lamb bones, your dog will be mentally stimulated and can indulge in their natural behaviours while gaining lots of tasty nutrients.


At What Age Can Dogs Eat Raw Lamb Bones?

Once your puppies' adult teeth start coming through at around 6 months old, you can feed them raw lamb bones. Meanwhile, puppies on a raw diet can still enjoy less tough bones appropriate to their size, as long as their teeth are strong and have developed enough to prevent potential choking or injury.


Safety Tips for Feeding Raw Lamb Bones

The safety of our dogs should be a top priority, especially while they’re eating. This is why we should avoid the likes of cooked lamb bones and choose raw alternatives to prevent harmful issues during feeding time.

However, although raw lamb bones offer many advantages, they do pose some potential choking hazards. But don’t worry! Lamb bones are no bigger a threat than that new ball or squeaky toy you recently purchased. Essentially, anything can be a choking hazard to dogs, not just bones.


Top Three Safety Tips to Consider:

  1. Supervise - Keep a close eye on your dog at all times while they enjoy their lamb bone to ensure choking doesn't occur.
  2. Check - Assess the bone for sharp edges that might cut your dog's gums or tongue.
  3. Clean - Feed your dogs their lamb bone in an area that can be easily cleaned to prevent bacteria from spreading in your home.

Lastly, prepare for your dog to keep coming back for more! There’s no doubt your dog will enjoy their juicy lamb bones so much that they’ll be asking for more.


So, Can Dogs Eat Lamb Bones?

Yes, dogs can eat lamb bones, but only if they’re raw. If your dog is on a raw diet, offering raw lamb bones as a treat or enrichment is a great idea. By purchasing high-quality bones, following feeding instructions, and supervising your dog during eating times, you can help your dog enjoy all-natural, raw lamb bones safely.


Key Takeaways

  • Raw lamb bones are safe for dogs
  • Lamb shanks, ribs, and tail bones are the safest
  • Dogs must be supervised while eating raw bones


Where to Buy Raw Lamb Bones for Dogs

Now that we understand that raw lamb bones are safe, you’re probably wondering where to buy them. Well, from us, of course! Alongside our premium raw dog food, we offer delicious lamb treats for your dog, including mixed bags of raw lamb shin bones.

For your lamb-related goodies, Mersey Raw has got you covered. We've seen the benefits of feeding raw first-hand, and we want you to experience them too. This is why we offer raw treats such as lamb bones to boost your pets' health and well-being.

If you have any questions regarding a raw diet for your dog, please contact us by filling out an enquiry form here. We look forward to hearing from you!